Monday, 17 October 2011

DIY :: Oatmeal Facewash

Be the Best brings to you an extract from the diary of one of our members.

Accidental discoveries like Penicillin can happen. She had definitely heard of those but never had she experienced it. The other day, things had somehow led to a food-fight during their monthly get-together. The girls went crazy and started throwing food at each other. She remembered with a smile the fun they all had. However, her memory fixed on the event that surprised her most. Later that day, after all her friends left, she went to the bathroom to wash out the food. Salad on her arms, pasta on her frock, something milky on her neck… And what was it on her face? She knew it was something good because the skin on her face had become extremely soft after she had washed whatever food there was on it.

She went back through the menu in her mind and found a possibility. Could it really be…? Naaah! Oatmeal? Really? ‘Well, we’ll soon find out’, she said to herself. She headed to the kitchen, took oatmeal from the box and performed the all-important patch test. When the result came out, she had but only one word, ‘EUREKA!’

Here is what she did:

• Take a handful of oatmeal and soak it in water.
• Squeeze the excess water out.
• Rub it on your face.

That’s it. Yes, it’s that simple.

After pampering her skin, she felt wonderful. Lying in bed that night, she wrote in her diary- The oatmeal facewash is extremely cool. The skin becomes extra soft and smooth. It also prevents breakouts with regular use. This facewash is helpful if you have any allergic skin condition, or suffer from sunburn or simply just want to pamper yourself.

Making a mental note of putting that on Facebook, she switched off her lights.

We hope that you bring wonders to your skin with this simple and effective DIY.
Remember to… Be the Best!